Chemical dependency, or substance addiction, is a terrible condition to struggle with yourself, and heart-wrenching to watch others struggle with. In addition to the damage it does to the addicted person’s physical body, it also brings on feelings of isolation, helplessness, and despair. It can lead to more serious mental health problems such as depression, anger, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and suicide.
The good news is that there is hope in Jesus Christ. He is the Great Physician who can bring healing to those who seek Him in faith. The professional therapists at Plano Christian Counseling can help, too. We provide a safe place to open up about your struggles with chemical dependency and support you on your journey to freedom and health.
Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2631
If you are ready to take this step and begin the healing process, contact Plano Christian Counseling at (469) 943-2631 or contact us online to book an initial risk-free appointment.
Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2631