Chemical dependency, or substance addiction, is a terrible condition to struggle with yourself, and heart-wrenching to watch others struggle with. In addition to the damage it does to the addicted person’s physical body, it also brings on feelings of isolation, helplessness, and despair. It can lead to more serious mental health problems such as depression, anger, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and suicide.

The good news is that there is hope in Jesus Christ. He is the Great Physician who can bring healing to those who seek Him in faith. The professional therapists at Plano Christian Counseling can help, too. We provide a safe place to open up about your struggles with chemical dependency and support you on your journey to freedom and health.

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(469) 943-2631

Chemical dependency is a condition where a person experiences a constant physical and psychological craving for a mind or mood-altering substance such as narcotics or alcohol which they consume in order to function, despite the harmful mental, physical, or relational effects that it has on them.

Chemical dependency is not considered “curable” in the sense that one will ever reach a point in their life where they can consume the substance without extreme risk of falling back into addictive patterns. However, there are various treatment options that can help them overcome the addiction and remain drug or alcohol-free, provided that they pursue long-term follow-up to prevent any relapse.

The first step toward overcoming chemical dependency is to admit that you have a problem. This, of course, does not mean that overcoming chemical dependency will be either easy or quick, but it is necessary if you are to start down the road to recovery. Crossing that line and admitting that you are chemically dependent is a hard step. However, once taken, you can move down the road to healing.

There are many signs of addiction, but here are a few of the more common ones:

  • Avoidance of family and friends
  • Constant talk and preoccupation with alcohol or drug use
  • Depression
  • Lack of self-control, or physical, psychological, or relational problems tied to substance use
  • Decline in work or school performance tied to substance use
  • Withdrawal symptoms tied to discontinuing the substance or a decrease in its use
  • Hiding how much of the substance you are drinking or using
  • Risky behavior while under the influence
  • Increased amount of the substance needed to get the same effects
  • Regular alcohol or drug use
  • Needing to consume the substance to have fun
  • Substance abuse-related legal trouble

If you think that you or someone close to you may have an addiction problem, then now is the time to act. Help is available and should be pursued as soon as possible; all the more so, since the effects of chemical dependency can be devastating, life-altering, and long-lasting. Plano Christian Counseling offers help for individuals, couples, and families.

If you are an addict, you may be asking yourself just how dangerous chemical dependency can be. After all, what you do in your private life is your business, as long as you’re not hurting anyone else, right? The sad reality is that chemical dependency not only has devastating effects on the body and mind, but it also has serious and detrimental effects on your relationships with family and friends.

Here are a few of the more common effects on one’s body:

  • Structural changes in the brain, leading to behavioral and mood changes
  • Increased risk for developing certain kinds of cancers
  • Reduced resistance to infections and skin conditions
  • Unwanted weight loss
  • Extreme damage to lungs, kidneys, and the liver
  • Damage to the heart, resulting in high blood pressure, stroke, or irregular heartbeat
  • Risk of comas, seizures, and even death

Likewise, the effects of chemical dependency on the mind and emotions are usually serious:

  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Isolation from God
  • Anger issues
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Increased detrimental risk taking
  • Confusing substance-induced mental states with spiritual experiences

The abuse of alcohol and drugs also impacts relationships and the family system. Effects on family and friends could include physical and verbal abuse. There could be neglect and traumatization of one’s spouse and children, including infidelity and intimacy issues. Likewise, it can bring financial hardship and codependency.

Recovery from chemical dependency is possible, and many of its effects can eventually heal. The professional counselors at Plano Christian Counseling can provide the help you and your loved ones need to make recovery possible.

If you or your loved one are struggling with chemical dependency, the time to get help is right now. It will require you to take the enormous and often difficult first step of admitting that you have a problem that you cannot solve without help. This is frequently difficult for those struggling with chemical dependency, but it is essential if healing is to begin.

If you are ready to take this step and begin the healing process, contact Plano Christian Counseling at (469) 943-2631 or contact us online to book an initial risk-free appointment.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2631