Raising a Christ-led generation is the goal for all Christian parents. It is an honor to be given the care and responsibility of children. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus referred to the little children. “But Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.’” (Matthew 19:14)

So, it is disheartening when our children face challenges and hurts that we cannot control. Christian counseling for children can play a role in helping your child manage their thoughts and behaviors while maintaining faith in The One who heals.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2631

Sudden changes in a child’s demeanor or behavior can cause alarm. Does your child’s behavior fall into any of these categories?

  • Easily distracted
  • Cannot sit still
  • Anxious all the time
  • Complains of persistent sadness
  • Sudden physical ailments like headaches or upset stomach
  • Rapid weight loss or gain
  • Has unexplained marks on the skin (bruises, cuts, or burns)
  • Isolates themselves from friends and family
  • Outbursts of anger or mood swings
  • Conflict at home and school
  • Risky or criminal-type behavior
  • Sexual promiscuity
  • Questioning sexual orientation
  • Spends too much time on an electronic device and seems lost without it
  • Engages in negative self-talk or seems obsessed with death

The counselors at Plano Christian Counseling are trained to spot these issues. Treatment is based on your child’s condition, age, and personality. Each child is unique, so we tailor our methods to suit them. If your child is still in elementary or middle school, we will ask you to join each therapy session. Depending on the child, we employ play or art therapy. This method allows the younger child to feel secure and focus more on playing with toys or drawing than the therapist present in the room.

If a child has been through a traumatic event or abuse, we may use trauma-focused therapy to help the child manage the intrusive thoughts and emotions that haunt them. Once they learn to apply these methods to their thoughts, they can change their reaction to them and begin the healing process.

Our counselors specialize in conditions and mental disorders that affect children. We use efficient methods and psychotherapy to tailor a treatment plan to provide your child with the tools they need to manage and overcome mental and behavioral conditions.

Some of the common conditions we see in counseling children:

Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – Both of these conditions make focusing on tasks without getting distracted a challenge. The children are easily distracted, lose essential items like schoolwork, struggle with organization and time management, and forget things. Children with ADHD cannot sit still and must fidget when they try to focus. They might exhibit impulsive behaviors, mood swings, or anger.

Anxiety and Depression – Anxiety and depression are two different mental health conditions. However, they frequently coexist and can signify other mental disorders. Children may feel anxious for many reasons, including arguments between parents, divorce, problems at school, family transitions, or bullying. When a child tries to manage their anxiety independently, they may fall into depression. Both conditions can lead to physical and emotional issues.

Eating Disorders – Eating disorders typically appear in the preteen (tween) and teen years as children try to fit in with their peers or societal expectations. The most common eating disorders that are life-threatening include anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Trauma and stress can also lead to emotional eating and binge eating.

Self-harm or Suicidal Thoughts – Cutting, burning, and bruising oneself can start in childhood as a coping mechanism for something much more profound. Negative thoughts and self-talk can also result in isolation and suicidal thoughts. If your child has harmful or suicidal thoughts or has attempted to take their life, seek help immediately.

Bullying – The sad reality is that bullying still exists, and now it expands into social media. Cyberbullying is just as damaging (if not more, as millions of people may have access to it) to a child’s self-esteem as the typical bullying seen across the country. Although the bullying may end due to authority figures or law enforcement intervening, the damage done to a child’s psyche and reputation can last for years.

Anger Management – Anger is a natural emotion. We all get angry at times. However, it becomes a problem when a child cannot control their anger, or they lash out in violent ways toward other people or animals. A counselor can teach the child how to catch the thoughts behind their anger and redirect and reframe the emotion.

Grief and Loss – Since the pandemic, children across the U.S. have experienced grief and loss. Some have lost parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles, siblings, teachers, or friends. Death is not the only contributor to loss. Family transitions like having to move to another home or community can result in a child cycling through the grieving process. Everyone grieves at a different rate, but a counselor can help a child to unpack their thoughts and feelings and find more manageable behaviors.

Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Sometimes, children experience hardship or abuse because they live in a sinful world. This trauma can lead to mental health disorders like PTSD or behavioral problems. Our therapists are trained to work with children to overcome trauma so that they can lead fulfilling lives.

Family Transitions – Families have difficulties, but sometimes children have a tough time accepting and adapting to these changes. Moving to a different area, loss of a parent’s job, a new baby, divorce, remarriage, or older siblings leaving the nest can result in a child displaying changes in behavior.

Addictive Behaviors – Traditionally, we saw addictive behaviors begin with drug or alcohol abuse in the teen years. However, with technological advances, younger children can become addicted to digital devices, gaming, and social media. This can shorten their attention span and cause mood swings and depression. Electronic devices are essential in society today (even schools use screens as early as Kindergarten), but a cap needs to be instilled to limit screen time without causing angry outbursts.

Learning Disabilities – Children with autism and learning disabilities need extra resources and accommodations to learn in school. Counseling for children can make the family aware of how to manage their child’s schooling inside and outside of the classroom. Many of these conditions start in childhood and can worsen as the child reaches adulthood. Getting help now can save you and your child heartbreak in the years to come

Christian counseling uses evidence-based methods and spirit-led faith to heal a child from the inside out. We believe that science is only part of the answer; God is the real answer. Without faith, it can be much harder to move past pain and hurt and live a successful life. We want you and your child to experience a bright future and not be bound by chains.

There are times when a child feels alone and different from everyone else. If they have a strong foundation in Jesus Christ, your child will know that God is always with them. “I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.” (Psalm 16:8, NLT)

Jesus wants us all to come to Him with the innocence and faith of little children. Contact our reception team today if your child has experienced trauma or abuse or suffers from a mental health disorder or disability. One of the licensed mental health professionals at Plano Christian Counseling will work with you and your child to create a personalized counseling plan. God has your child’s future in His hands. Let us be His hands and feet.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2631