God created human beings to be in relationship both with Himself and with others. However, sin entered the world through our first parents, opening a Pandora’s box of pain and suffering that has made relationships far more complicated than they were ever intended to be. We struggle to find or build solid relationships and often sabotage them when we do find them. Human sin can make it difficult to trust others and, if we are honest, to be trustworthy ourselves.

Christian relationship counseling at Plano Christian Counseling can help by coming alongside you. Your counselor will bring both their experience and their training to the table, employing proven counseling techniques and biblical principles that will help you navigate relationships in these times.

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(469) 943-2631

There are many types of relationship issues. Here are a few of the more common ones:

Issues concerning finances. Money issues constitute the greatest source of conflict in a marriage. Both the lack of it and how to handle it can be constant and pervasive stressors that can tear a relationship apart. Christian relationship counseling can help you learn to approach these issues together and work out solutions that will strengthen your relationship.

Troubles with friends. It can be tough to make friends and once having made them, to keep them. The professional counselors at Plano Christian Counseling can help you honestly evaluate yourself to discover just why you struggle and what to do about it.

Issues concerning communication breakdowns. The vast majority of problems in a relationship, be it interpersonal, business, organization, or otherwise, can be reduced to a communication breakdown. Without effective communication, people cannot know what others are thinking, increasing the possibility of misunderstanding and negative emotional responses.

Intimacy issues. Sexual intimacy is a gift from God to be used only within the boundaries of marriage. Lack of intimacy within marriage can lead to such sins as adultery or abandonment, and intimacy outside of the marriage covenant can lead to divorce.

Resentment. Resentment has rightly been labeled the “marriage killer.” In fact, when resentment rises in any kind of relationship it can be hard to recover from. However, all hope is not lost. Christian counseling for relationship issues can help identify the foundations of resentment and show you ways to reestablish love.

Emotional abandonment. Emotional abandonment is a situation where one person in a relationship causes the other person to feel discarded, undesired, left behind, or insecure. The counselors at Plano Christian Counseling can help you overcome feelings of emotional abandonment, and help you learn to love each other as Christ loves the Church.

The causes of relationship issues are too numerous to list, but here are a few of the more common ones.

Different stages of life. People who are in different stages of life, such as parents and children, or spouses with a large age gap, can find it difficult to relate to one another. This can make it hard to maintain a healthy relationship.

Lack of effective communication. In any relationship, one wants to hear and be heard. When effective communication is lacking, the relationship suffers.

Bad past relationships. If you have suffered from bad relationships, you may find that they are affecting your current ones. For example, if your spouse committed adultery in the past, whether you are still together or not, you may find it difficult to trust others.

Anger. Anger is an emotion that can be righteous or unrighteous depending on a host of factors such as its cause, effects, and duration. The Bible says, “Do not associate with a man given to anger; or go with a hot-tempered man, or you will learn his ways and find a snare for yourself.” (Prov. 22:24-25, NASB). If you are habitually angry it is time to unpack this emotion and learn from it, making it productive and not harmful.

Substance abuse/addiction. Substance abuse and addiction are never good for a relationship. They can negatively affect relationships by encouraging codependence, damaging trust and reliability, and even affecting safety.

Mental health issues. Mental health issues of any kind can create stress in a relationship, so they should be dealt with quickly. Finding ways of coping and supporting others with mental health challenges is possible.

If you resonate with any of these causes, please contact us. The professional therapists at Plano Christian Counseling will come alongside you to help you work through the foundational causes of your relationship issues and find hope and healing.

The benefits of Christian relationship counseling are too many to list, but here is a sample:

  • Making and being a true friend.
  • Healing from inner wounds.
  • Developing healthy family dynamics.
  • Developing a stronger relationship with Christ.
  • Learning how to connect with people.
  • Overcoming fear.
  • Building healthy relationships.

If you are struggling with relationship issues, the compassionate counselors at Plano Christian Counseling are here to help. They employ an approach to relationship counseling that addresses the whole person by taking into consideration your past, your present, and your goals for the future using proven counseling techniques coupled with a strong faith in the power of God to bring healing.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2631