God created human beings to be in relationship both with Himself and with others. However, sin entered the world through our first parents, opening a Pandora’s box of pain and suffering that has made relationships far more complicated than they were ever intended to be. We struggle to find or build solid relationships and often sabotage them when we do find them. Human sin can make it difficult to trust others and, if we are honest, to be trustworthy ourselves.
Christian relationship counseling at Plano Christian Counseling can help by coming alongside you. Your counselor will bring both their experience and their training to the table, employing proven counseling techniques and biblical principles that will help you navigate relationships in these times.
Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2631
Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 943-2631