If you’re looking for natural anxiety relief in Plano, Texas, we are here to help.
A tried-and-true method of coping with anxiety is to pay attention to your five senses. When you are in the midst of a panic attack some people do a simple countdown: five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can feel, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This is effective because anxiety tends to spin you into a future-oriented state, so paying attention to the present is a helpful tool.
This tool of focusing your senses can also help you cope with underlying anxiety. If you know that you are walking into an anxiety-inducing situation, maybe at work or with your family, use your senses to prepare.
Some ideas:
Hearing – listen to music that soothes or inspires you.
Seeing – take moments to gaze into the distance and then up close.
Feeling – wear a piece of jewelry or clothing that you love.
Taste – have a food or beverage you enjoy (before, after, or during as appropriate).
Smell – consider having a perfume/cologne that you love.
There are a variety of ways that being outside can help with your anxiety. You can take short walks around your neighborhood or go on longer hike in nature, such as at the Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano.
For some people, the sound of water is soothing. If that’s you, you might enjoy the sound of the fountain at White Rock Trail Park in Plano.
Others may prefer to get their hands dirty with plants. Consider getting involved with the Plano Community Garden or visiting another local garden center in Plano. All of these are ways to be present with your body and the world you live in.
Some ideas:
Hearing – water sounds, bird song, and wind.
Seeing – trees in their seasonal glory, clouds, stars, sunsets, sunrises.
Feeling – a breeze, sunshine, rainfall.
Tasting – fresh produce, clean water.
Smelling – newly mown grass, flowers of all kinds.
These kinds of natural anxiety relief in Plano, Texas are not a substitute for medication and counseling. They should be seen as part of a holistic approach to finding natural anxiety relief. Much of this is about being aware of the interconnected nature of the mind and body when it comes to managing your anxiety.
Anxiety is a combination of thoughts and physical responses. If your brain or body senses danger (real or perceived) it overloads your system with hormones and self-defense mechanisms. This is why focusing on physical sensations is so effective in managing anxiety. By doing so, you are reminding your body and brain that you are safe. Once your body is soothed your brain is capable of more rational responses to your situation.
There are other habits you can form that would provide natural anxiety relief. Things such as journaling, exercise, and caring for a pet or garden are all outlets for pent-up anxiety in the brain and the body. If you have a dog, try visiting the local dog park in Plano, Texas to help you’re your anxiety. Prayer and meditation are also valuable tools in helping you find relief from anxiety.
Christian Counseling for Anxiety Relief in Plano, Texas
Regular counseling in Plano, Texas is another form of natural anxiety relief. Your brain can become stuck in patterns of thought that do not serve you, and it takes someone outside of it all to help you sort the unhelpful thoughts from everything else. If you are seeking a Christian counselor in Plano to help you with your anxiety, call our office today at Plano Christian Counseling in Texas to set up an appointment.
“Ocean at Dawn”, Courtesy of Horst Joachims, Unsplash.com, CC0 License
Caitlin Mallery: Author
Caitlin Mallery is a freelance writer, mother of four, avid reader, and amateur gardener from the Pacific Northwest. When she is not writing or chauffeuring children hither, thither, and yon, she works as a hospital chaplain. “Working in spiritual...
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