Getting married in Plano, Texas? Here are some important premarital questions to consider before you tie the knot.
Before you get married, you may assume you know what to expect from the marriage and your spouse. Unfortunately, life rarely works that way. A person’s upbringing, environmental factors, life experiences, and personality can all impact a marriage. You’ll want to be on the same page with your significant other, so it’s important to know what premarital counseling questions to ask.
Premarital Counseling Questions to Ask
When you share the same goals, dreams, and expectations with your partner, marriage feels like sharing life with your best friend. However, if you do not know how to overcome obstacles together and share emotions productively, you can end up sharing your home with a stranger.
Premarital counseling is critical for opening the line of communication and discussing matters that may have never crossed your mind. These subjects may not be an issue at present, but your future self needs answers.
Premarital counseling in Plano, Texas also teaches communication skills, conflict resolution, and how to keep the focus on you as a couple as you move through the different seasons of your lives. Below is a list of premarital counseling questions to get you started.
Although you can share this list with your significant other and review the answers together, a counselor at Plano Christian Counseling in Texas can work as a mediator to help you find solutions and teach you skills that will serve you as a couple for years.
Premarital counseling questions:
- Where do you see yourself in the future?
- Where do you want to live? Where do you want to work?
- Are you willing to change part of your plans to support your significant other, if needed?
- What do you enjoy and value about your partner?
- How do you feel about your significant other’s family?
- What boundaries do you want to set regarding each other’s families?
- How would you describe your childhood?
- Do you have any concerns about your childhood and your future self?
- Do you want children? If you want children, do you want them right away or years from now?
- How were you disciplined as a child?
- How do you think you will discipline a child of your own?
- Do you have financial goals?
- Where are you financially?
- How do you plan to manage the finances as a couple?
- How will you share household duties?
- Do you want your partner to work?
- Do you plan to attend church as a couple? What church?
- Will you serve at church and in the community?
- How often do you think a couple should have sex? How important is that to your relationship?
- What constitutes infidelity in your eyes?
- What are the non-negotiables in your relationship? (Actions that will undoubtedly lead to divorce.)
- How do you manage your anger?
- Will you be open to counseling later in the marriage? At what point should you consider marriage counseling?
- Do you have any vices or addictions that may cause issues in the marriage?
- Are you receiving help with any vices or addictions?
These premarital counseling questions are only a stepping-off point to open the discussion between you and your significant other.
Premarital Counseling in Plano, Texas
A Christian counselor in Plano, Texas can support you, helping you discover more premarital counseling questions to ask before your wedding date. The goal is to arm yourselves with the skills to overcome obstacles together, knowing you’re not alone in this journey.
You can schedule a session with a faith-based counselor in Plano, Texas by calling our office at Plano Christian Counseling or completing the online contact form. Getting started is only a click away.
“Sunset”, Courtesy of Andrzej Pokrzywiec,, CC0 License;
Melissa Plantz: Author
Melissa Plantz is a Christian author and freelance writer. She spent twenty years in the pharmacy industry and has specialized in faith, fitness, nutrition, geriatrics, and mental health since 2015. She writes from the beautiful Lake Marion area in S...
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