Sandra Stein

About Sandra Stein

Sandra Kovacs Stein was born in Calcutta, India, grew up in the Dominican Republic, and went to school in Canada, where she planned to settle after getting her Master’s degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology. Instead, she fell in love with an American and moved to Queens, New York after they married. Stein has experienced many unexpected twists and turns in her life, which have taught her to be adaptable and open to trying new things. She has enjoyed a variety of work experiences, including speech pathologist/audiologist, computer programmer, technical writer, abstractor, and transcriptionist. With the advent of digital photography, she became an avid photographer of nature and wildlife, and has used some of her photos to author several children’s picture books. Stein lives in northern Virginia, close to her daughter, three of her seven grandchildren, and four of her six great-grandchildren.

Lifespan Integration Therapy in Plano, TX

2025-02-19T11:57:34+00:00February 19th, 2025|Featured, Individual Counseling, Lifespan Integration Therapy|

Looking for Lifespan Integration Therapy in Plano, Texas? First, perhaps we should ask the question, “What is Lifespan Integration Therapy?” Lifespan Integration (LI) is a physical counseling technique that was developed by American psychologist Peggy Pace in 2002 to help people heal from trauma without getting re-traumatized in the process. Its goal was to enable them to connect ego states throughout every stage of their lives and integrate them to form a coherent story of who they are by putting the fragmented memories back together. Issues That Can Be Treated with Lifespan Integration Therapy in Plano Lifespan Integration Therapy was originally developed to help adult survivors of childhood abuse and neglect heal from past traumatic events and associated dissociative disorders. It was found to also be effective in treating a wide range of other issues such as anxiety, depression, codependency, low self-esteem, mood disorders, bereavement, loss, eating disorders, emotional dysregulation, substance abuse, addictions, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. How It Works Unlike traditional talk therapy which uses a cognitive approach that addresses thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to resolve problems and change behaviors, Lifespan Integration Therapy in Plano works at a deep neural level to increase connectivity between the brain’s neural networks and integrate and reset them to reflect the present so that you are no longer stuck in the past. It does not require you to discuss details of your traumatic experience or any part of your life. Using a panoramic approach that enables traumatic memories to resurface naturally, lifestyle integration therapy provides a way to tap into your body’s innate ability to heal from outdated beliefs, feelings, and ways of protecting itself that were once needed but that no longer serve a purpose, by creating a chronological timeline of memory cues that highlight significant events in your life. As you view [...]

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Will I Ever Get Married? Facts Vs. Myths About Marriage

2024-09-27T11:51:13+00:00May 20th, 2024|Featured, Individual Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Issues|

For many people, getting married is one of the central goals of their life. “Will I ever get married?” is a wistful question they often ask themselves when they see their friends married, getting married, or in serious relationships and they are not. They view their singleness as an insurmountable wall separating them from happiness and wonder if there is something wrong with them and if or when it will ever be their turn. Does this resonate with you? If so, this article may be a source of encouragement and hope. Answers to the question, “Will I ever get married?” One answer is that it depends on how much effort you are willing to put into dating and looking for a potential partner. Finding a mate is not a passive process. A romance that leads to a lasting marriage often takes purposeful effort. It means socializing and interacting with people rather than living an isolated life. One way is to pursue hobbies or activities where you are most likely to meet people who share similar values and interests as you do and that could potentially lead to a meaningful relationship. Another answer is that just because it has not happened yet does not mean that it never will. Being single and trying to find love can be difficult and frustrating, but it does not make you less of a person, nor is it a reflection of how undesirable you are. Decide what characteristics are most important to you in a marriage partner and look for someone who meets the criteria. Date with intentionality, and without compromising or being willing to settle on important issues. Being married to the right person is more important than just being married. The only way to guarantee you’ll never get married is to stop [...]

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How to Recognize Signs of Autism in the Workplace and Provide Support

2024-09-27T11:51:27+00:00May 17th, 2024|Autism Spectrum Disorder, Coaching, Featured, Professional Development|

Adults with high-functioning autism tend to be quite competent workers but require structure and routine at work. They also struggle with social and communication skills and have trouble fitting in. This article will discuss signs of autism in the workplace. People with autism can have excellent memories, outstanding mathematical and technical skills, and thrive in areas that require focus, precision, and attention to detail. The way their brains process information can be a great asset to the workplace when they are in the right position and receive the right support. Recognizing signs of autism in the workplace Repetitive behaviors Autistic people may use repetitive behaviors such as bouncing their leg, rocking back and forth, snapping their fingers, or repeatedly standing up and sitting back down as a way of self-soothing and coping with uncomfortable situations when stressed. Difficulty fitting in Social interactions are stressful for autistic people. They are uncomfortable making eye contact and have trouble following back-and-forth conversations or understanding and responding to nonverbal cues such as facial expressions or body language. Limited interests Autistic people are fixated on certain subjects and may have exceptional skills in certain areas, which they talk about at length, but have little or no interest in anything else. Struggle with teamwork Autistic people like to be in control of the tasks they are working on and are uncomfortable working in a team setting. They prefer to work on their own. Sensory challenges Extreme sensitivity to light, sounds, smells, or tactile sensations is common for autistic people. They may, for instance, find sounds overwhelming that others can barely hear or be distracted by the cycling of fluorescent lights. Uncomfortable with change Autistic people function well when their work is structured and they can follow a predictable routine, but they have trouble adapting to [...]

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Is ADHD Anger a Thing?

2024-09-27T11:52:47+00:00April 23rd, 2024|ADHD/ADD, Anger Issues, Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Featured, Individual Counseling|

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by difficulties in self-regulation and impulse control. Although anger is not listed as one of its official symptoms in the DSM-5-TR, studies indicate that it is, in fact, inherent to the affliction, and people with ADHD are more prone to experiencing anger and irritability than neurotypical people. Emotional dysregulation is a major part of living with ADHD for both adults and children. It makes them feel emotions much more intensely than neurotypical people do and become disproportionately overwhelmed by things such as daily responsibilities, time management, sensory overload, having to switch tasks, rejection, or fatigue, all of which can make them feel stressed and frustrated, and trigger angry outbursts or meltdowns. Effect of emotional dysregulation on ADHD anger ADHD limits your executive functioning capacity by causing significant deficits in the rational thinking part of your brain located in the prefrontal cortex. This is the area that controls the mental processes that enable you to prioritize what’s important in your surroundings, filter out what might be harmful or distracting, regulate your emotions, control your impulses, and enable you to plan and direct your behavior toward achieving a specific goal. The amygdala, on the other hand, is the emotional center of your brain that controls your fight-or-flight response. When triggered, it floods your body with stress hormones such as adrenaline, bumping up the intensity of your reactions, overpowering your prefrontal cortex, taking over the running of your brain, and hijacking control of your ability to respond rationally to the situation. Emotional dysregulation clouds your judgment and causes angry feelings to escalate quickly and intensely. Instead of thinking before you act, you react impulsively, in a way that is disproportionate to the trigger rather than responding in a more socially [...]

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Nervous Breakdown: What it Is and What to Do

2024-09-27T11:52:21+00:00December 22nd, 2023|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling|

The term nervous breakdown refers to your brain’s response to intense, unmanageable emotional distress that leaves you struggling or unable to function in your day-to-day life. It is not a medical term or an official diagnosis of a particular mental health disorder, but rather a colloquialism used to describe a temporary mental health crisis that can be frightening and immobilizing. Symptoms of a nervous breakdown. Unmanageable anxiety. Feeling vulnerable and isolated. Cancelling activities you usually enjoy. Calling in sick for work. Skipping appointments. Isolating from friends and family. Feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Feeling physically paralyzed. Difficulty performing tasks that are usually easy. Brain fog. Trouble remembering things. Trouble focusing or thinking straight. Inability to make decisions. Moodiness. Feeling depressed, burned out, fearful, helpless, or hopeless. Emotional outbursts of anger or uncontrollable crying. Inability to eat or sleep properly. Using sleep as an escape. Neglecting personal hygiene. Feeling detached or delusional. Hallucinations and paranoia. Physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, chest pain, headaches, trouble breathing, dizziness, or nausea. Panic attacks. Thoughts of suicide or self-harm. Possible causes. Taking on too many responsibilities. Too much pressure at work. Being a poor fit for a particular job. Needing to always be in control. Working long hours. Not getting enough sleep. Medical trauma. Family or financial stress. Major life change. Lack of close relationships or social support. Life circumstances that feel too much to handle. Lack of resiliency. Poor coping skills. Treatment options. The most effective treatment for a nervous breakdown is a combination of counseling and the following recommended lifestyle changes. Get adequate rest. Mental exhaustion is often at the core of a nervous breakdown. Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and getting sufficient rest is key to recuperation. Exercise. Exercise can provide time out from the pressures of your day. [...]

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After the Affair: Can Trust Be Restored?

2024-09-27T10:07:56+00:00May 26th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Infidelity is not an easy thing to heal from. Finding out that that your spouse has cheated on you can be devastating. It’s like receiving a sucker punch to your gut that leaves you reeling in shock and disbelief. Overcoming a breach of trust is one of the most difficult issues for a relationship to survive, but God is a healer of broken hearts, and with His help, it is possible to rebuild trust even after the affair. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending. – Maria Robinson What not to do after the affair The initial shock of discovering that a partner has been unfaithful and the flooding emotions are normal. Reactions sparked by this may seem reasonable and justifiable at the moment but will hinder healing and likely lead to regrets later on. Avoid telling everyone about it. Before you impulsively tell everyone what your spouse has done, allow yourself and your partner time to discuss and determine how you want to proceed going forward, what you are going to share, and with whom. Avoid blasting your cheating spouse on social media. Once you put something out on social media it lives forever even if you later decide to delete it. Avoid making life-altering decisions. Acting impulsively while your thinking is clouded, such as filing for divorce or retaliating by having an affair of your own, can make any possibility of healing your relationship more difficult. Take time to think things through before doing anything rash. Avoid obsessing over the person your partner had an affair with. Hyper fixating on the other person, stalking him or her on social media, or allowing obsessive thoughts of him or her to consume your mind can only make [...]

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