
Natural Anxiety Relief in Plano, Texas

2025-02-08T06:26:27+00:00February 10th, 2025|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues, Women’s Issues|

If you’re looking for natural anxiety relief in Plano, Texas, we are here to help. A tried-and-true method of coping with anxiety is to pay attention to your five senses. When you are in the midst of a panic attack some people do a simple countdown: five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can feel, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This is effective because anxiety tends to spin you into a future-oriented state, so paying attention to the present is a helpful tool. This tool of focusing your senses can also help you cope with underlying anxiety. If you know that you are walking into an anxiety-inducing situation, maybe at work or with your family, use your senses to prepare. Some ideas: Hearing - listen to music that soothes or inspires you. Seeing - take moments to gaze into the distance and then up close. Feeling - wear a piece of jewelry or clothing that you love. Taste - have a food or beverage you enjoy (before, after, or during as appropriate). Smell - consider having a perfume/cologne that you love. There are a variety of ways that being outside can help with your anxiety. You can take short walks around your neighborhood or go on longer hike in nature, such as at the Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano. For some people, the sound of water is soothing. If that’s you, you might enjoy the sound of the fountain at White Rock Trail Park in Plano. Others may prefer to get their hands dirty with plants. Consider getting involved with the Plano Community Garden or visiting another local garden center in Plano. All of these are ways to be present with your body and the world [...]

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Easing Stress When Moving to a New House

2024-12-30T07:03:08+00:00December 30th, 2024|Anxiety, Christian Counseling for Children, Depression, Family Counseling, Featured, Personal Development|

Relocating your whole life is not an easy thing to do. Moving house is one of the more stressful things that an average person goes through. That’s one of the reasons why one can read the biblical stories in Exodus and Numbers of the ancient Israelites grumbling on their desert sojourn with some sympathy. Imagine settling and uprooting yourself and your family so often! Unfortunately, moving house, while being extremely stressful, is one of the realities that we must contend with at some point in our lives. For many of us, we’d rather remain rooted right where we are. There is a sense of comfort, familiarity, and security in being in one place and building our lives there. And so, when a move needs to happen, it can be disruptive, unpleasant, and stressful. Why Moving House Is Stressful There are many reasons why moving house is stressful. Sometimes it’s the reasons behind the move that make it stressful, while in many cases the simple fact of moving itself is the issue. Each of us has our own level of tolerance for change and disruption to our daily routines. Often, it’s only when your routine is disturbed – when you don’t get that morning coffee or your morning commute is disrupted – that you see how out of sorts you are for the rest of the day. Moving house can be stressful for the following reasons: The circumstances behind the move  There are many reasons why people move. Sometimes, those reasons are less than pleasant, and that can add to the stress one experiences. If you need to move because you couldn’t keep up with the mortgage payments, or if you’re moving due to a loss in the family, or if you’re moving to be close enough to support [...]

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Anxiety Symptoms in Men: Signs to Look For and Treatment Options

2024-09-27T12:00:16+00:00September 13th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Men’s Issues|

A man may be many things to many people – a friend, husband, brother, colleague, boss, hero, or villain – but at the heart of it all, he’s still just a person, with everything that entails. Anxiety and anxiety disorders are a daily reality for millions of people across the world. Though they typically affect women, anxiety and anxiety disorders also affect many men. Discerning the common anxiety symptoms in men can help a man find effective treatment options. How do men experience anxiety? Many men don’t often discuss their problems, and that includes struggles with anxiety or anxiety disorders. Anxiety affects people of all stripes, and it affects people regardless of gender. Men tend to put off getting support when they need it because of ideas of what masculinity is, including the thought that they’re meant to be tough and self-reliant. This mindset only makes it harder for men to not only acknowledge issues but to find solutions to them. Anxiety is a natural reaction to situations that are or appear threatening. It’s the feeling of uneasiness, dread, tension, or fear that often attends these experiences. People don’t all feel anxious for the same reason, and they respond to it differently, too. While anxiety is often associated with symptoms such as nervousness, sweating, or a rapid heartbeat, anxiety may also go beyond these symptoms. When men experience anxiety, they are more likely than women to deal with their anxiety through substance abuse. This might differ from women who will often turn to avoidance as a coping mechanism. Anxiety in men is often caused by issues such as family dynamics, work stress, heart disease, traumatic events, or a decline in testosterone levels. Men experience various types of anxiety and anxiety disorders, and these include obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social [...]

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Fear of Missing Out: Exchanging Anxiety for the Delight of Living Your Own Best Life

, 2024-11-13T11:30:11+00:00August 19th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues, Women’s Issues|

Whether you intentionally search or aimlessly scroll, you will find evidence of anxiety fingerprinted on the web or anywhere you can find people. Internet ads, reels, or posts reveal the idolatrous heart of our society, often expressed as the fear of missing out. We have become so addicted to doing more and outdoing one other that we have coined a new phrase for it - FOMO. Fear of missing out, or FOMO, may offer a fresh name, but it is a timeworn issue. It is anxiety derived from trying to keep up with others’ activities and the fear that one is missing out if they do not also do that activity or have the coveted thing that everybody has. Instead of living richly and in contentment with the abundance that God has given to our hands, we compete and compare instead. Fear and anxiety drain us of the goodness that God has gifted us. We consume time, money, energy, and other resources to keep up with appearances and to match or exceed the experiences of others. Instead of feeling fulfilled, a person feels bankrupt, with nothing left to devote to God and no joy in the gifts acquired. For all that is in the world – the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life – is not from the Father but is from the world. – 1 John 2:16, ESV Anxiety: fixated on fear Too often, we decide our value based on the external trappings of this world. We wrongly assign our worth, often comparing ourselves with any and everyone, close or unfamiliar. Peering through the windows of other people’s lives, we somehow believe that we are missing something. Unaware of others’ internal struggles and challenges, we make assumptions and judgments. Yet, [...]

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Joy in the Journey: Strategies to Navigate Anxiety, Spiritual, and Personal Development

, 2024-11-13T11:30:24+00:00July 16th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

No matter who we are or what we encounter in life, challenges will be embedded as part of our spiritual and personal development. While circumstances can produce anxiety, God doesn’t intend to hurt us through what He allows in our lives. It is quite the opposite. As we develop fortitude amid struggles, we also encounter the reward of the Lord’s Presence. Always with us, the Holy Spirit is the treasure in earthen vessels who reveals unforeseen blessings in times of unprecedented suffering. Instead of abandoning our anticipation for God’s goodness, the Lord arises when we cling to Him in hope, scattering the enemies of doubt and destruction. When we apply and exercise what the Holy Spirit teaches in life’s classroom, we develop the kind of personal habits and spiritual character that shift spiritual atmospheres and overcome evil. Our obedience and alignment with the Word flood the Light of Christ in our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. He illuminates our ways, dispelling darkness and directing us away from harmful patterns that hijack the life of peace and joy we are created to live (Job 22:28). When we choose to rivet our attention on Jesus, we encounter the richness of a Holy God who makes everything new (Revelation 21:5). The fruit of our development and deliverance may appear differently from one season to the next. Despite it all, our Savior continually elevates us into other realms of His glory and experiences of His manifest Presence (2 Corinthians 3:18). Speak the truth to encourage personal development We assert godly authority when we change our internal dialogue to align with the Father’s original design. Speaking His Truth establishes us in triumph when we commit to saying what He says about us, by faith, not necessarily our feelings. When we do, angels hear and follow [...]

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Nervous Breakdown: What it Is and What to Do

2024-09-27T11:52:21+00:00December 22nd, 2023|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling|

The term nervous breakdown refers to your brain’s response to intense, unmanageable emotional distress that leaves you struggling or unable to function in your day-to-day life. It is not a medical term or an official diagnosis of a particular mental health disorder, but rather a colloquialism used to describe a temporary mental health crisis that can be frightening and immobilizing. Symptoms of a nervous breakdown. Unmanageable anxiety. Feeling vulnerable and isolated. Cancelling activities you usually enjoy. Calling in sick for work. Skipping appointments. Isolating from friends and family. Feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Feeling physically paralyzed. Difficulty performing tasks that are usually easy. Brain fog. Trouble remembering things. Trouble focusing or thinking straight. Inability to make decisions. Moodiness. Feeling depressed, burned out, fearful, helpless, or hopeless. Emotional outbursts of anger or uncontrollable crying. Inability to eat or sleep properly. Using sleep as an escape. Neglecting personal hygiene. Feeling detached or delusional. Hallucinations and paranoia. Physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, chest pain, headaches, trouble breathing, dizziness, or nausea. Panic attacks. Thoughts of suicide or self-harm. Possible causes. Taking on too many responsibilities. Too much pressure at work. Being a poor fit for a particular job. Needing to always be in control. Working long hours. Not getting enough sleep. Medical trauma. Family or financial stress. Major life change. Lack of close relationships or social support. Life circumstances that feel too much to handle. Lack of resiliency. Poor coping skills. Treatment options. The most effective treatment for a nervous breakdown is a combination of counseling and the following recommended lifestyle changes. Get adequate rest. Mental exhaustion is often at the core of a nervous breakdown. Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and getting sufficient rest is key to recuperation. Exercise. Exercise can provide time out from the pressures of your day. [...]

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Using the Psalms to Help You Overcome Anxiety

2025-01-08T06:07:18+00:00September 3rd, 2022|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

Anxiety affects millions of Christians each day. Brought on by worry and stress anxiety causes many of us to feel overwhelmed. Finding ways to overcome anxiety without medication can be stressful in itself. Christian counselors can help you overcome anxiety using Scripture. Many verses address anxiety in the Bible. What is anxiety? Anxiety is a common health issue that comes from a feeling of fear or dread. It can cause many physical symptoms and even lead a person to believe they are having heart problems. Anxiety is most commonly a stress reaction. Learning to identify stressors can greatly reduce the amount of anxiety you experience. God gives us the wisdom to overcome anxiety in the Bible. He does this by teaching us how to change our way of thinking. Christian counselors often use secular-based treatment with scripture to battle anxiety Can listening to or reading Scripture help you overcome anxiety? Many Christians who battle anxiety have stated that listening to scripture helps calm them during an anxiety attack. While some have no preference as to what they listen to, others have said that Psalm 91 is one of the best chapters of the Bible to overcome anxiety. There are many scriptures about anxiety in the Bible. While you may not find the word anxiety you can refer to any Scripture that talks about overcoming fear. What is Psalm 91 about? When you are struggling to overcome an anxiety attack you become panicked about your health. This panic only enhances the symptoms of anxiety. Your heart continues to race faster, you feel lightheaded and weak, and you can’t seem to focus. The best thing you can do is to calm your mind and begin to take some deep breaths. Easier said than done in most cases. Psalm 91 is a [...]

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Bible Verses to Help You Take Every Thought Captive

2025-01-08T06:07:34+00:00July 6th, 2022|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

There is a great deal of literature on the subject of positive thinking, and the beneficial outcomes of abolishing negativity in one’s life. These principles make sense, as our minds are powerful, and our thoughts shape the actions we take and the type of people we become. The Bible is not silent on the topic of learning to take every thought captive, and there are numerous references in Scripture that boldly claim that anxiety can be beaten, and a life of peace and joy claimed, through the thoughts we allow into our minds by the grace of God. The best thing about being able to attempt to take every thought captive is that, when we do it prayerfully and ask God for his help, we are changing ourselves in His strength and not through our own efforts. That brings with it a wonderful sense of relief and frees us to enjoy the process rather than lamenting our failings. Here are some verses to help you on your journey toward renewed thinking: We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:5, ESV The Christian life is based on faith and belief – what we think and know about God through His Word. There is also the very real existence of the devil, who knows how important our thoughts are, and “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). He works cunningly, going directly to our vulnerabilities and planting lies in our thought life. Think about how many thoughts cross our minds daily, how often these are negative ones, or are lies? Thoughts that we are not valuable or loved, that we are failures because we have not achieved a [...]

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