Melissa Plantz

About Melissa Plantz

Melissa Plantz is a Christian author and freelance writer. She spent twenty years in the pharmacy industry and has specialized in faith, fitness, nutrition, geriatrics, and mental health since 2015. She writes from the beautiful Lake Marion area in South Carolina.

Premarital Questions to Ask for Engaged Couples in Plano, Texas

2025-02-22T06:23:33+00:00February 24th, 2025|Couples Counseling, Featured, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Getting married in Plano, Texas? Here are some important premarital questions to consider before you tie the knot. Before you get married, you may assume you know what to expect from the marriage and your spouse. Unfortunately, life rarely works that way. A person’s upbringing, environmental factors, life experiences, and personality can all impact a marriage. You’ll want to be on the same page with your significant other, so it’s important to know what premarital counseling questions to ask. Premarital Counseling Questions to Ask When you share the same goals, dreams, and expectations with your partner, marriage feels like sharing life with your best friend. However, if you do not know how to overcome obstacles together and share emotions productively, you can end up sharing your home with a stranger. Premarital counseling is critical for opening the line of communication and discussing matters that may have never crossed your mind. These subjects may not be an issue at present, but your future self needs answers. Premarital counseling in Plano, Texas also teaches communication skills, conflict resolution, and how to keep the focus on you as a couple as you move through the different seasons of your lives. Below is a list of premarital counseling questions to get you started. Although you can share this list with your significant other and review the answers together, a counselor at Plano Christian Counseling in Texas can work as a mediator to help you find solutions and teach you skills that will serve you as a couple for years. Premarital counseling questions: Where do you see yourself in the future? Where do you want to live? Where do you want to work? Are you willing to change part of your plans to support your significant other, if needed? What do you enjoy and [...]

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10 Steps to Building Self-Esteem

2024-09-27T11:52:06+00:00January 19th, 2024|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Self-esteem is how you perceive your worth. It is self-respect. If you struggle with low self-esteem, you may have trouble in relationships and social situations. Low self-esteem typically means a lack of assertiveness, which indicates you may need help building self-esteem. 10 Tips for Building Self-Esteem Building self-esteem is simpler than you may think. It is not easy; however, taking specific action can simplify boosting self-esteem. Here are ten steps to building self-esteem. Accept where and who you are now. There is much unhappiness in trying to return to being the version of yourself you used to be. The version you were before the loss of a family member, the end of a marriage, the birth of a child, or the move to a new state. Accepting who you are now and where you are regarding a specific life category grounds you. This acceptance provides clarity for what you want next. Catch negative thoughts. Negative thoughts and demeaning self-talk can do a great deal of damage. Vow to catch these thoughts as soon as you recognize them. Recognize the lie and look for the truth. You can change an old belief into a new one with practice. Flip these thoughts into positive self-talk. Smile. A quick tip for building self-esteem is to smile. Smiling stimulates the amygdala, releasing endorphins that brighten your mood and boost confidence. Notice how others perceive you when you greet them with a smile. You can experience a mood boost by simply smiling when you are alone. Play music. Energetic music, the kind that makes you want to dance, can boost your mood and improve your self-esteem. A song can make you feel like you can take on the world. Create a new playlist with songs that make you feel confident and strong. Be nice [...]

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Overeating Disorder Recovery

2024-09-27T10:07:35+00:00August 26th, 2023|Eating Disorders, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Eating disorders, like anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating disorder (overeating disorder) can be fatal without treatment. Recovery from overeating disorder and other eating disorders is possible. Tips for Overeating Disorder Recovery Seek professional help. Overeating disorder can coexist with anxiety and mood disorders. You may struggle with poor body image, negative self-worth, and low self-esteem. The compulsive behavior tricks you into believing you lack self-control and are helpless. This is not true. The first step is to seek professional help. One option is to contact our office at Plano Christian Counseling to schedule an appointment with a license counselor. Stay away from the scale. We can become obsessed with the numbers on the scale. If you struggle with body dysmorphia, poor body image, or low self-esteem, you may need to avoid the scale until you are well into recovery. The number on the scale is simply a number that relates to gravitational pull. It does not consider how much muscle you gain in your workouts, fluid retention, or any other factor. If you are a woman, your weight may fluctuate throughout your cycle, weighing more on the days leading up to your period and during the week of ovulation. Consider using a tape measure to track the lost inches and smaller clothing sizes instead of the scale. Identify negative self-talk. How do you talk to yourself? Are your words worse than you would say to others? We are often harder on ourselves than we are on others. Critical and negative self-talk belittles your motivation and self-esteem. The negative thoughts you hear may be echoes from words spoken over you in the past. You need to learn to let those words go. A counselor can help you identify and reframe those thoughts. Work on getting healthier. Although it is [...]

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The Mental and Physical Benefits of Pilates for Seniors

2024-09-27T11:52:35+00:00July 21st, 2022|Aging and Geriatric Issues, Featured, Weight Loss|

Pilates is a series of low-impact movements used to strengthen the core and balance of the practitioner, both of which are critical for seniors. But the physical gains are only a side bonus to the mental benefits of consistently practicing Pilates. If you are looking for a low-impact exercise for the elderly that strengthens, lengthens, and leaves you feeling confident, give Pilates a try. Introduction to Pilates The Pilates Method was created by Joseph Pilates, a German-born immigrant to the United States. After Pilates left Germany, he taught Scotland Yard self-defense tactics before being interred in a camp during World War I. During the internment, Pilates kept himself strong, lean, and healthy with a series of movements that he performed on the floor or on modified beds. These would later become the skeletons for Pilates apparatuses. Pilates taught others in the internment camp his method and when influenza swept through England, none of Pilates “students” died of the virus. Pilates realized that his method went beyond just physical fitness, but wellness. After the war, Pilates returned to Germany briefly and then immigrated to the U.S. His method became popular with dancers and athletes due to its ability to help heal injuries while keeping them at their peak. Others began to train under Pilates and eventually branched out to teach in other areas besides Pilates’ New York studio. Although Pilates passed away in the 1960s, his work lives on. The exercise known as Pilates has gained incredible popularity over the last 50 years. It consists of two types of Pilates: work done on a mat on the floor, and work done using a Pilates machine such as the Reformer or the Chair. There are many different forms of Pilates as more teachers have added their own technique to the method. Some [...]

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