Personal Development

Bible Verses to Help You Take Every Thought Captive

By |2022-07-14T18:24:37+00:00July 6th, 2022|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

There is a great deal of literature on the subject of positive thinking, and the beneficial outcomes of abolishing negativity in one’s life. These principles make sense, as our minds are powerful, and our thoughts shape the actions we take and the type of people we become. The Bible is not silent on the topic of learning to take every thought captive, and there are numerous references in Scripture that boldly claim that anxiety can be beaten, and a life of peace and joy claimed, through the thoughts we allow into our minds by the grace of God. The best thing about being able to attempt to take every thought captive is that, when we do it prayerfully and ask God for his help, we are changing ourselves in His strength and not through our own efforts. That brings with it a wonderful sense of relief and frees us to enjoy the process rather than lamenting our failings. Here are some verses to help you on your journey toward renewed thinking: We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:5, ESV The Christian life is based on faith and belief – what we think and know about God through His Word. There is also the very real existence of the devil, who knows how important our thoughts are, and “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). He works cunningly, going directly to our vulnerabilities and planting lies in our thought life. Think about how many thoughts cross our minds daily, how often these are negative ones, or are lies? Thoughts that we are not valuable or loved, that we are failures because we have not achieved a standard [...]

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4 Ways to Deal with Stress Biblically

By |2022-05-09T20:00:20+00:00May 9th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development|

Before learning to deal with stress biblically, we must first define "stress." The word “stress” is defined in the dictionary as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.” Few of us need a definition of the word, as feeling stressed is perhaps one of the most common emotions in our modern society. In fact, it is rare to find someone who does not feel stressed on a regular basis, or at least from time to time. Stress can result from any number of factors – finances, family, relationships, work – any aspect of life that has the potential to not go the way we’ve planned it. The gravity and symptoms of stress vary according to individuals, with a mild sense of feeling flustered on the one end and full-blown panic attacks necessitating medication on the other. 4 Ways to Deal with Stress from a Christian Perspective If we can nip stress in the bud, there is a greater chance of preventing it from spiraling into a damaging mental state that limits our effective functioning. As Christians, it is important and reassuring to recognize that God’s word does not remain silent on our stress, and it gives us some very concrete guidance on ways to deal with stress biblically. Steps to take to open ourselves up to this wisdom include: 1. Admitting to God, and ourselves, that we are stressed Sometimes we get so caught up in busyness and in trying to keep up appearances, that we can bury our stress for a long time. Unfortunately, avoidance is not one of the healthier ways to deal with stress, and it will eventually catch up with us in some way, either through physical sickness or mental burnout and exhaustion. The first important step is [...]

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