Professional Development

How to Communicate Better in the Workplace: Four Barriers to Effective Communication

, 2025-02-19T11:56:58+00:00February 19th, 2025|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Professional Development|

If you have ever seen a good communicator in the flow of expressing themselves, it can be both an inspiring and discouraging thing to witness. Some people seem to be able to express themselves naturally and effortlessly, while others have a host of issues to overcome. The encouraging news is that learning to communicate better is entirely possible; the first step is learning about the barriers that block effective communication. How to Communicate Better by Overcoming Assumptions Words are a small part of communication. People communicate with their personalities, their bodies, and even through silence. We take in and respond to large amounts of information daily without fully realizing that we are wordlessly communicating with those around us. For example, when a coworker who is normally chatty and vibrant comes into work and they are quiet, withdrawn, and disheveled in appearance, they are communicating something without even speaking. We might subconsciously take note of their behavior, body language, and appearance and deduce that they are struggling today. They have communicated something to us. How we treat them in response is us communicating back to them. We might be gracious to them, give them space by not engaging in small talk, or we might take the opportunity to ask them how they are. If we were to observe the changes in them and decide on the reasons for those changes, we would be assuming. It might be a correct assumption, but without asking them simple, non-invasive questions, we won’t know for sure what is going on. Assumptions might be correct, but by leaning on assumptions, we risk being incorrect. There remains a barrier between us and the person we’ve assumed about. Correct assumptions are just as unhelpful as incorrect assumptions, in some ways. Making assumptions means that there is a [...]

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Causes and Signs of a Strained Relationship

2024-11-29T06:30:34+00:00November 28th, 2024|Featured, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Issues|

When people get along swimmingly, they enjoy spending time with each other, and they expend effort to create opportunities to have more shared experiences. This is how trust is built over time, and that is how long-lasting bonds are formed. However, even the healthiest relationship can find itself under pressure, and the people in the relationship on less than friendly terms. When a relationship is strained, it can affect how the relationship functions and how the people in it feel about each other. Relationship strain happens, but it’s possible to resolve the tensions in the relationship to restore it stronger than ever before. What Strains Relationships? What does it mean to say that a relationship is strained? When a relationship is described as “strained” it means that it’s a relationship in which relations aren’t normal, and that is plagued by one or more problems that have the result of denying the people in the relationship their needs. A strained relationship goes beyond the rough patches or difficult seasons that even the most healthy and loving partnerships experience every so often. In a healthy relationship, conflict is resolved through clear communication that helps the relationship remain stable even as issues are dealt with. In strained relationships, by contrast, issues aren’t resolved well, and this leads to escalating conflict and increasing anger and isolation in the relationship. Whatever the issues are, whether it’s about money, sex, parenting, or goals, the relationship takes on strain when it begins to break down the bonds between the people in the relationship. When a relationship is strained, the differences that exist between people become a wedge that separates them. Under normal circumstances, those differences would be appreciated and dealt with in ways that promote the health of the relationship and one another. Some of [...]

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Understanding the Different Communication Styles

, 2024-11-13T11:30:38+00:00June 21st, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Issues|

Just like our personality or how we view the world, each of us has any one of a number of different communication styles. This is the way we try to convey our ideas, values, thoughts, and feelings and how those are received or perceived. How we communicate is as important as what it is we are trying to communicate. As we talk and interact in the world, we must ensure that our intentions are not misinterpreted and that we do not hurt others unintentionally. Some of the communication styles people adopt tend to have negative effects. This is why it is important to understand the different types to see if one needs to make changes in how they communicate with others or how to handle those people whose communication style is not like theirs. 5 different communication styles There are five different communication styles, namely aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive, manipulative, and assertive. We will discuss each one in this article. Passive communicators Passive communicators come off as easy-going, happy-go-lucky types of people. They prefer not to let their feelings or thoughts be known. It is difficult to know what their stance on important issues is as they can act indifferent to what is being discussed, take a more submissive role, and go with whatever they are told, even if they disagree vehemently. These types of people find it difficult to say no, especially if they find themselves in subordinate roles. They almost seem unsure of themselves, and they avoid conflict by conforming. In terms of body language, they are usually fidgety and avoid direct eye contact. They speak with a soft, almost inaudible voice as if they are not sure what they are about to say. How to work with a passive communicator One-on-one communication They usually feel more comfortable [...]

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How to Recognize Signs of Autism in the Workplace and Provide Support

2024-09-27T11:51:27+00:00May 17th, 2024|Autism Spectrum Disorder, Coaching, Featured, Professional Development|

Adults with high-functioning autism tend to be quite competent workers but require structure and routine at work. They also struggle with social and communication skills and have trouble fitting in. This article will discuss signs of autism in the workplace. People with autism can have excellent memories, outstanding mathematical and technical skills, and thrive in areas that require focus, precision, and attention to detail. The way their brains process information can be a great asset to the workplace when they are in the right position and receive the right support. Recognizing signs of autism in the workplace Repetitive behaviors Autistic people may use repetitive behaviors such as bouncing their leg, rocking back and forth, snapping their fingers, or repeatedly standing up and sitting back down as a way of self-soothing and coping with uncomfortable situations when stressed. Difficulty fitting in Social interactions are stressful for autistic people. They are uncomfortable making eye contact and have trouble following back-and-forth conversations or understanding and responding to nonverbal cues such as facial expressions or body language. Limited interests Autistic people are fixated on certain subjects and may have exceptional skills in certain areas, which they talk about at length, but have little or no interest in anything else. Struggle with teamwork Autistic people like to be in control of the tasks they are working on and are uncomfortable working in a team setting. They prefer to work on their own. Sensory challenges Extreme sensitivity to light, sounds, smells, or tactile sensations is common for autistic people. They may, for instance, find sounds overwhelming that others can barely hear or be distracted by the cycling of fluorescent lights. Uncomfortable with change Autistic people function well when their work is structured and they can follow a predictable routine, but they have trouble adapting to [...]

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4 Ways to Experience Effective Coaching

2025-01-08T06:02:48+00:00November 29th, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development, Spiritual Development|

You know that you want to improve certain aspects of your life, be it career or personal. You've researched coaches and found one that seems to be the right fit. Now you want to get the most out of your time together. How can you make sure you have an effective coaching experience? Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord. – Colossians 3:23, NIV 4 Tips for an Effective Coaching Experience 1. Have definable goals. You may go into your coaching sessions with some big goals, and maybe even some specific goals, early in your time with a coach you want to make clear, definable goals for your time together and apart. Effective coaching will help you determine the best sequence of dreams and make smaller milestones toward the big goal you are trying to achieve. Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – St. Francis of Assisi 2. Set deadlines or milestones. These could be private and rather arbitrary, but by setting a deadline you create the pressure you need to achieve the results you want. The deadlines can be milestones or stepping stones. Examples include: “By the end of the week, I will…” or “In three months I need to finish…” Finding an approach that works for you can help you maximize the effectiveness of your coaching experience. Have a plan to celebrate those milestones. Maybe you watch a TV show after you accomplish your goal for the week. Perhaps you plan a coffee date with a friend after a certain deadline. Deadlines can be used to reward as well as drive you toward your goals. “Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.” – Nelson Mandela [...]

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Resolving Conflict in the Workplace

2025-01-08T06:05:07+00:00June 16th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Professional Development, Relationship Issues|

The workplace has become a major area of life in the past few decades. Because there is so much time spent at work there will inevitably be conflict in the workplace. Any type of conflict can reduce the workflow and decrease the positive atmosphere. Everyone must know how to resolve conflicts. This will create a healthy work atmosphere for everyone. A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. – Proverbs 15:1, NASB No matter how big or type of business there will be conflict because there are people present. These conflicts do not have to disrupt the workday. The ability to meet the conflict head-on with resolution will also keep the employees from facing burnout. The best way to resolve conflict is to have leadership that can recognize and address conflict. Three conflicts and resolutions Since many personalities are working together, the most common conflict in the workplace that occurs revolves around how people interact with people. Some conflicts occur that are more personal. No matter the cause there are ways to successfully resolve any type of conflict. Leadership conflict. This is one of the most common types of conflict. Every manager or leader has an idea about productively leading a team. This idea is not always the same for everyone. When there is a decision that causes conflict within the team, the leader must be able to identify and resolve the issue. Here are a few types of conflicts in this area: Decision-making: These conflicts occur when leaders of different areas disagree on a decision. Goals: A manager who has a goal that doesn’t align with the company may cause a conflict within the company and department. Roles: If a manager isn’t clear about their responsibilities it can lead to confusion within the [...]

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7 Ways to Increase Your Motivation

2025-01-08T06:06:29+00:00January 31st, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development|

We all have goals that we’d like to realize in our lives. Despite this, many of us face challenges along the way as we work toward our objectives. We either do not have the motivation to get started, we do not have the energy to get started, or we do not know where to start. We put things off or come up with excuses. Then, we are harsh on ourselves, labeling ourselves as “lazy” or “slackers.” When we are feeling stuck or have been idling for an excessive amount of time, sometimes all we need is a jump-start or one or two strategies to boost our motivation. 7 Ways to Increase Your Motivation Here are some suggestions that have stood the test of time: 1. Prepare a timer for 15 minutes to boost motivation. You’re probably familiar with the pile of laundry that just emerged from the dryer and has to be folded. Or what about the dishes that suddenly materialized in the sink? Make it a personal challenge instead of wishing in the back of your mind that those things would go away, and turn it into a game. Put a fifteen-minute timer on yourself and see how much you can get done in that little amount of time. When you’re up against the clock, you might be amazed at how many tasks you can finish in a short amount of time. This is especially true when you’re trying to beat the clock. Knowing that there is a finish line to the work is also helpful. It won’t take more than a quarter of an hour to finish. Or, by that time, you will have deceived yourself into continuing the task, telling yourself that you are making good progress and that you would prefer to finish everything rather [...]

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The Root of Procrastination and How to Stop Procrastinating

2025-01-08T06:06:39+00:00January 31st, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development|

Wondering how to stop procrastinating? Many of us obsess over the things we wish we could accomplish more effectively, frequently, or at all. We occasionally experience feelings of being stuck and unable to advance or move, or else we engage in procrastination. Paradoxically, it feels that looking into what maintains us in this state will simply add fuel to the fire. When this happens, we could feel scared, tense, apprehensive, or bewildered. In this situation, there is typically a feeling of overwhelm. As a result of the overpowering emotions, we experience more paralysis and become increasingly convinced that we are powerless to make the changes we want to see in our life. This procedure prompts the query: How do we stop postponing things? Each of us may have occasionally felt uncomfortable due to sporadic procrastination, but some people constantly struggle with the cycle of overload and procrastination when it comes to the majority of their goals and deadlines. When repeated, it may also start to feel exhausting to pursue our goals and embark on tasks, even if they are necessary. Remember that procrastination is a symptom of a more significant underlying issue. It is crucial to examine the root cause of procrastination to address it. Being overburdened frequently manifests as procrastination. In other words, it could feel impossible to move forward with those responsibilities if we are feeling overwhelmed by what might be expected of us. We need methods for preventing overwhelm to facilitate avoiding procrastination. Fear can drive procrastination. One reason we can feel scared by our responsibilities or what they might entail is that we are overburdened with our ambitions and objectives. Sometimes we may feel that the task is too difficult or that the stakes are too high. This may cause us to become numb or hide [...]

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4 Ways to Deal with Stress Biblically

2025-01-08T06:08:21+00:00May 9th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development|

Before learning to deal with stress biblically, we must first define "stress." The word “stress” is defined in the dictionary as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.” Few of us need a definition of the word, as feeling stressed is perhaps one of the most common emotions in our modern society. In fact, it is rare to find someone who does not feel stressed on a regular basis, or at least from time to time. Stress can result from any number of factors – finances, family, relationships, work – any aspect of life that has the potential to not go the way we’ve planned it. The gravity and symptoms of stress vary according to individuals, with a mild sense of feeling flustered on the one end and full-blown panic attacks necessitating medication on the other. 4 Ways to Deal with Stress from a Christian Perspective If we can nip stress in the bud, there is a greater chance of preventing it from spiraling into a damaging mental state that limits our effective functioning. As Christians, it is important and reassuring to recognize that God’s word does not remain silent on our stress, and it gives us some very concrete guidance on ways to deal with stress biblically. Steps to take to open ourselves up to this wisdom include: 1. Admitting to God, and ourselves, that we are stressed Sometimes we get so caught up in busyness and in trying to keep up appearances, that we can bury our stress for a long time. Unfortunately, avoidance is not one of the healthier ways to deal with stress, and it will eventually catch up with us in some way, either through physical sickness or mental burnout and exhaustion. The first important step [...]

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