Kate Motaung

About Kate Motaung

Kate Motaung is the Senior Writer, Editor, and Content Manager for a multi-state company. She is the author of several books including Letters to Grief, 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times, and A Place to Land: A Story of Longing and Belonging. Kate is also the host of Five Minute Friday, an online writing community that equips and encourages Christian writers, and the owner of Refine Services, a company that offers editing services. She and her South African husband have three young adult children and currently live in West Michigan. Find Kate’s books at katemotaung.com/books.

Counseling for Children: 5 Principles to Bear in Mind

2025-01-08T06:04:59+00:00July 8th, 2023|Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured|

There are many reasons why a family might want to make use of counseling for children. A child may have experienced a traumatic event, such as death or divorce in the family; or been a victim of abuse or bullying. Other less serious circumstances can be perceived as traumatic for a child, for example, a move to a new school or another unexpected change. While children may be less equipped to verbalize their feelings than adults, it is important to bear in mind that counseling for children is not all that different from counseling adults. Children are people created in God’s image and sinners in a fallen world. The struggles and desires they face are not unique to those experienced by all people, and their only hope – as with adults – is the hope presented in Jesus Christ. This reality is encouraging when considering biblical counseling for children which can sometimes be deemed inappropriate or inaccessible for younger counselees. The following five principles are good to bear in mind. Involving parents in counseling for children is a priority. Where possible, it is important for parents as the primary caregivers of their children to be involved in the counseling process. In some circumstances, this might not be suitable. For example, if there is an incidence of abuse by a parent or if the relationship between parent and child is strained. It might be that the parents are immature in their faith. But if they are open to bringing their child to a Christian counselor, then it is a great opportunity for the whole family to be exposed to the redeeming power of God’s Word. Children can grasp wisdom from God’s Word. The Bible is accessible to every person, regardless of their education level or intellect, provided that they can [...]

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Resolving Conflict in the Workplace

2025-01-08T06:05:07+00:00June 16th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Professional Development, Relationship Issues|

The workplace has become a major area of life in the past few decades. Because there is so much time spent at work there will inevitably be conflict in the workplace. Any type of conflict can reduce the workflow and decrease the positive atmosphere. Everyone must know how to resolve conflicts. This will create a healthy work atmosphere for everyone. A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. – Proverbs 15:1, NASB No matter how big or type of business there will be conflict because there are people present. These conflicts do not have to disrupt the workday. The ability to meet the conflict head-on with resolution will also keep the employees from facing burnout. The best way to resolve conflict is to have leadership that can recognize and address conflict. Three conflicts and resolutions Since many personalities are working together, the most common conflict in the workplace that occurs revolves around how people interact with people. Some conflicts occur that are more personal. No matter the cause there are ways to successfully resolve any type of conflict. Leadership conflict. This is one of the most common types of conflict. Every manager or leader has an idea about productively leading a team. This idea is not always the same for everyone. When there is a decision that causes conflict within the team, the leader must be able to identify and resolve the issue. Here are a few types of conflicts in this area: Decision-making: These conflicts occur when leaders of different areas disagree on a decision. Goals: A manager who has a goal that doesn’t align with the company may cause a conflict within the company and department. Roles: If a manager isn’t clear about their responsibilities it can lead to confusion within the [...]

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Loved and Found: The Healing Power that Overcomes Trauma and Shame

2025-01-08T06:05:16+00:00May 2nd, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Trauma|

Humans are curious creatures. We are breathing miracles that embody the creative brilliance of the King of the Universe. He isn’t an aloof God, externalized from our infirmities and issues, but rather the one Lord and Father of all, who isn’t far from any of us (Acts 17:27) even in our trauma and shame. That Truth comes alive in and for those who accept the olive branch of The Father’s Offering, in Jesus. As God’s Son and our Savior, Jesus poured His entire life to reconcile us with the Father, receive us into the family, making us righteous–all by faith in Christ. God’s abundant affection toward us characterizes the miracle of salvation, but our own diminished self-worth causes us to wrestle with giving and receiving a Love this relentless, raw, and real. Our relationship with God, ourselves, and others would ideally be characterized by all the Father initiates and imparts, but the same complications that entered Eden, afflict us, too. When we search outside of God and His expansive provision, we stumble and injure ourselves in search of identity and validation. We scout for attention, affirmation, and affection in the wrong places, though we were already created in and for love by our God who is Love. In response to the Father, we love and learn how to receive and rest in it for ourselves, return it to Him, and release it to others. The pathology of trauma and shame A soul that injures itself operates similarly to an auto-immune deficiency. Many times, when we have been infected by trauma, our hearts and minds behave with the same pattern where dis-ease deconstructs the body from the inside out. When infirmity causes the body to become confused, it wars against itself. It mistakes the agents that promote health and help, [...]

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Slow Burn: Releasing Unresolved Anger and the Right to Revenge

2025-01-08T06:05:24+00:00April 29th, 2023|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Relationship Issues, Spiritual Development|

Anger is a normal emotion. We don’t have to fear it; but like fire, we are to handle it responsibly, with caution, maturity, and a sober mind submitted to the Holy Spirit’s wisdom. We bring it to the Lord. As Helper, He filters what is unnecessary and gives insight and understanding of what to do with what’s left. We may have been legitimately wronged, but allowing unresolved anger in our lives has dire consequences we don’t always see. Cain didn’t know that his brother’s blood would cry out from the earth when he killed Abel. God heard it, though (Genesis 4:10-11). Perhaps, no human witnesses were present to observe the traumatic incidents that sparked our anger and the thirst for revenge. God knows all the details. Always present, our Advocate was fully aware and completely committed to righting the wrongs on our behalf. The Father repurposes evil, turning it for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28). We have to yield God’s sovereign position to Him alone. We don’t have the right or the capacity to occupy His throne and administer short-sighted human justice, restricted by the finite realm of what we know, see, and feel. While our feelings are legitimate, our wounded hearts demonstrate true love when responding to God with trust versus unforgiveness and revenge. He does what we cannot. Love breaks the stronghold that hate seeks to establish in our hearts. We may look vulnerable, perhaps even foolish. Some would say that Jesus appeared the same way. Without retribution, He was tortured mercilessly for all of humanity, including those who reject Him as Savior and Lord. His suffering preceded the souls. Glory came later. But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8, ESV Scripture is [...]

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How to Get Closer to God: Nurturing Your Spiritual Growth

2025-01-08T06:05:44+00:00April 19th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

Listen to this article Summary Our lives are defined by our relationships, and out of the bounty of one’s relationship with God flows flourishing throughout our lives. He is always close to us, but we can choose whether we want to be closer to God. Through Jesus Christ, we can know God and walk in humble obedience with Him as we follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. Even when we encounter tough times, we can continue to walk closely with God and grow to become the kind of people He wants us to be. Table of Contents Introduction What does it mean to get closer to God? Why being closer to God matters. How to begin getting closer to God. Am I walking closely with God? What do you do if you’re struggling to connect with God? Frequently Asked Questions. 1. Introduction Getting to know someone doesn’t happen overnight. It takes loads of time and shared experiences to get to know and trust them. This goes for platonic and romantic relationships, and it also applies to how we relate to God. Whether you’re simply curious about how intimacy with God works, or you’re serious about discovering how to grow closer to God, this article will help you on your journey. You may even have been journeying with God for a while, and need to remind yourself of the basics that get lost in the shuffle of daily life. 2. What does it mean to get closer to God? God already knows you. God knows you better than you know yourself, and nothing that you say, do, think, or feel is surprising to Him. Psalm 139 begins this way: You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you [...]

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What Does The Bible Say About Divorce? A Deep Dive On A Complex Topic

2025-01-08T06:05:57+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Marriage Counseling|

Summary Divorce is a painful reality whose full implications can only be rightly understood once placed alongside a Biblical understanding of marriage. Biblical marriage is the lifelong union of a man and a woman that reflects, albeit imperfectly, God’s commitment to His people. The deeper resonance of human marriage with God’s love for His people is one reason why divorce is a last resort, and why even if exceptions exist in Scripture that make divorce permissible, divorce isn’t encouraged or mandated. Table of Contents First Things: Understanding Biblical Marriage. Old Testament Perspective On Divorce. Circumstances under which one can get divorced. New Testament Perspective On Divorce. Circumstances under which one can get divorced. Circumstances for divorce not directly addressed in the Bible. Conclusions. References. Frequently Asked Questions. 1. First Things: Understanding Biblical Marriage Talking about divorce can be a little like navigating a field strewn with landmines. There are myriad perspectives out there on divorce, not to mention personal experiences with it. For some, they’ve gone through divorce themselves, while others have witnessed divorce with various degrees of separation from it – as children born of the relationship, or as siblings, friends and other loved ones of the couple getting divorced. In some cases, the divorce was drawn out and messy, while in others it was amicable. The marriage preceding the divorce may have had glimpses of goodness and light, or it may have been an excruciating ordeal from start to finish. To speak into this broad range of experiences seems hazardous and foolhardy, but it is important to do so. As divorce is a reality that touches many lives, understanding what the Bible says on the matter is important for Christians and non-Christians alike. When applying what the Bible says, it’s important to do so with pastoral compassion [...]

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What is Christian Family Counseling and How Do We Know if We Need It?

2025-01-08T06:06:10+00:00February 7th, 2023|Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Building a strong family can seem like an insurmountable task. Family is the center of our most intense and significant relationships. Yet these relationships can be fraught with conflict, or they can suffer from a lack of closeness or stress from internal and external pressures – all good reasons to take part in family counseling. We cannot underestimate the importance of building a strong family and strengthening the relationships among spouses, parents and children, siblings, and extended family, yet often we struggle to know how to set healthy boundaries, strengthen bonds, build interdependence, and overcome conflict. In today’s world, we have more outside influence in our families than ever before. Sometimes, it might feel like we’re living separately under one roof, with everyone distracted by their screens. Maybe we’ve just drifted apart over the years and have lost the rhythms that used to draw us together. Christian family counseling can provide family support for numerous challenges facing families today, and help build a Christ-centered foundation for your family. What is Christian family counseling? Christian family counseling is an approach to counseling that looks at patterns and dynamics within a family rather than primarily focusing on an individual. While individual counseling provides a setting for one person to focus on primarily themselves and their perspective on relationships, family counseling addresses the group dynamic first. The counselors at Plano Christian Counseling use an integrated approach, combining proven therapeutic techniques with a biblical worldview to help you build a Christ-centered foundation for your family. The goal of Christian family counseling is to help you find holistic solutions for the problems you’re facing. If you are struggling in any way or simply want to take a proactive approach to strengthen your family, Christian family counseling can be the perfect way to address concerns, [...]

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7 Ways to Increase Your Motivation

2025-01-08T06:06:29+00:00January 31st, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development|

We all have goals that we’d like to realize in our lives. Despite this, many of us face challenges along the way as we work toward our objectives. We either do not have the motivation to get started, we do not have the energy to get started, or we do not know where to start. We put things off or come up with excuses. Then, we are harsh on ourselves, labeling ourselves as “lazy” or “slackers.” When we are feeling stuck or have been idling for an excessive amount of time, sometimes all we need is a jump-start or one or two strategies to boost our motivation. 7 Ways to Increase Your Motivation Here are some suggestions that have stood the test of time: 1. Prepare a timer for 15 minutes to boost motivation. You’re probably familiar with the pile of laundry that just emerged from the dryer and has to be folded. Or what about the dishes that suddenly materialized in the sink? Make it a personal challenge instead of wishing in the back of your mind that those things would go away, and turn it into a game. Put a fifteen-minute timer on yourself and see how much you can get done in that little amount of time. When you’re up against the clock, you might be amazed at how many tasks you can finish in a short amount of time. This is especially true when you’re trying to beat the clock. Knowing that there is a finish line to the work is also helpful. It won’t take more than a quarter of an hour to finish. Or, by that time, you will have deceived yourself into continuing the task, telling yourself that you are making good progress and that you would prefer to finish everything rather [...]

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The Root of Procrastination and How to Stop Procrastinating

2025-01-08T06:06:39+00:00January 31st, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development|

Wondering how to stop procrastinating? Many of us obsess over the things we wish we could accomplish more effectively, frequently, or at all. We occasionally experience feelings of being stuck and unable to advance or move, or else we engage in procrastination. Paradoxically, it feels that looking into what maintains us in this state will simply add fuel to the fire. When this happens, we could feel scared, tense, apprehensive, or bewildered. In this situation, there is typically a feeling of overwhelm. As a result of the overpowering emotions, we experience more paralysis and become increasingly convinced that we are powerless to make the changes we want to see in our life. This procedure prompts the query: How do we stop postponing things? Each of us may have occasionally felt uncomfortable due to sporadic procrastination, but some people constantly struggle with the cycle of overload and procrastination when it comes to the majority of their goals and deadlines. When repeated, it may also start to feel exhausting to pursue our goals and embark on tasks, even if they are necessary. Remember that procrastination is a symptom of a more significant underlying issue. It is crucial to examine the root cause of procrastination to address it. Being overburdened frequently manifests as procrastination. In other words, it could feel impossible to move forward with those responsibilities if we are feeling overwhelmed by what might be expected of us. We need methods for preventing overwhelm to facilitate avoiding procrastination. Fear can drive procrastination. One reason we can feel scared by our responsibilities or what they might entail is that we are overburdened with our ambitions and objectives. Sometimes we may feel that the task is too difficult or that the stakes are too high. This may cause us to become numb or hide [...]

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When Your Teenager is Giving You the Silent Treatment

2025-01-08T06:06:56+00:00November 26th, 2022|Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Is your teenager giving you the silent treatment? The degree to which your child has stopped talking is really the most important factor in determining whether or not you should be concerned that they might be giving you the silent treatment. Three Examples of the Silent Treatment in Teenagers Let’s look at three possible scenarios: #1 In the past, you and your daughter were considered “best friends.” She once opened up to you about everything, but now all of a sudden, she is avoiding you and only confiding in her other friends about her innermost thoughts. In this scenario, there is not a whole lot that you need to be concerned about. As difficult as it may be, you have to make an effort not to let her decision affect how you feel about yourself. She may simply be going through the natural and healthy process of separating from you and becoming an adult. Here are the steps you can take in this situation: Do not lecture her or express to her how her silence has hurt you. Try to have constructive exchanges with her. Engage her in activities that both of you have found to be enjoyable in the past. Take a seat at the table with her. Don’t try to pry information out of her. Instead, be vulnerable and talk about something funny or interesting that happened to you in your own life. If you let your guard down, she may feel more comfortable doing the same. Talk to her like an adult and with respect, and make it clear that you value her opinions and expect respect in return. Show that you value her opinions and expect respect in return. #2 Your child, who used to be sweet and affectionate toward you, now gives you one-word [...]

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