
Five Signs of Depression in Children

By |2024-06-25T12:10:57+00:00June 19th, 2024|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Depression, along with other mental health disorders, is on the rise in every age group. However, psychologists have seen a recent spike in depression cases among children. Children who exhibit signs of depression may be overt or a parent may suspect signs of something wrong but may not be able to pinpoint the exact source. Some children may be verbal regarding their symptoms, but others may hide their symptoms because of embarrassment or shame. If you’re seeing signs of depression in your child, you are not alone. If you suspect your child is depressed but are not sure here are five signs to watch out for: Disinterest in activities Depression leaves children with a lack of interest in doing the things they love the most. For example, a child who is normally busy with extracurricular activities may suddenly find they no longer want to do them. Additionally, children may want to stay in their room for long periods, watch TV, or other passive activities to help cope (or even mask) depression symptoms. Even with medication, children suffering from depression may still not want to do the things they once enjoyed. Sleeping late Similarly, children and teens who are suffering from depression may want to sleep late. Parents may find a child doesn’t want to get out of bed or sleep the day away. Parents should discourage a child from doing this. Rather, encourage the child to get up, move around, get some exercise, and take care of their physical body with nutrition and water. Normally active children may only need eight hours of sleep. Teens may need 9 to 9 1/2 hours of sleep which is important for their development. Kids suffering from depression may find they want to sleep 14 to 16 hours a day and still be [...]

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Eight Practical Steps for Overcoming Depression

By |2023-10-28T10:51:07+00:00June 6th, 2022|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Have you ever wished there was a series of simple actions you could take to help with overcoming depression? Here is a list of ideas for you to consider and experiment with by trying them out separately or at the same time. Feelings of comfort, contentment, happiness, and excitement sometimes feel like they have a lighter quality than feeling low. Not just in the emotional sense but in the physical sense too. When you are feeling down, the negativity tends to grow and push out the space in your life previously occupied by feelings of light-heartedness. 8 Steps for Overcoming Depression One of the ways we can increase our resilience to feeling down is to acknowledge it and take active steps to nourish our emotional, mental, and physical selves by looking for and taking active enjoyment in various activities. 1. Do something you enjoy The word enjoy comes from the Old French word enjoir, this word is a combination of en “make” + joir “joy” and…voila, you have the word “enjoy.” To put it another way, it comes from a word that means “make joy”! To take joy in something is an action, it is something that we all do. It is not something we receive by accident. By taking steps (baby ones to start) to participate in activities you like, you can create joy in your life. This may sound unromantic and formulaic, but it is a practical step in the right direction. 2. Listen to music Listening to music is a well-documented way to improve your mood and help in overcoming depression. It also helps you to become more familiar with positive emotions, and being better able to recognize them will make them easier to focus on and implement to combat feeling down. Even better, playing music with [...]

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