
Anxiety Symptoms in Men: Signs to Look For and Treatment Options

2024-09-27T12:00:16+00:00September 13th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Men’s Issues|

A man may be many things to many people – a friend, husband, brother, colleague, boss, hero, or villain – but at the heart of it all, he’s still just a person, with everything that entails. Anxiety and anxiety disorders are a daily reality for millions of people across the world. Though they typically affect women, anxiety and anxiety disorders also affect many men. Discerning the common anxiety symptoms in men can help a man find effective treatment options. How do men experience anxiety? Many men don’t often discuss their problems, and that includes struggles with anxiety or anxiety disorders. Anxiety affects people of all stripes, and it affects people regardless of gender. Men tend to put off getting support when they need it because of ideas of what masculinity is, including the thought that they’re meant to be tough and self-reliant. This mindset only makes it harder for men to not only acknowledge issues but to find solutions to them. Anxiety is a natural reaction to situations that are or appear threatening. It’s the feeling of uneasiness, dread, tension, or fear that often attends these experiences. People don’t all feel anxious for the same reason, and they respond to it differently, too. While anxiety is often associated with symptoms such as nervousness, sweating, or a rapid heartbeat, anxiety may also go beyond these symptoms. When men experience anxiety, they are more likely than women to deal with their anxiety through substance abuse. This might differ from women who will often turn to avoidance as a coping mechanism. Anxiety in men is often caused by issues such as family dynamics, work stress, heart disease, traumatic events, or a decline in testosterone levels. Men experience various types of anxiety and anxiety disorders, and these include obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social [...]

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Benefits of Premarital Counseling Questions

2024-09-27T11:49:53+00:00August 26th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Getting married is always a special time in a person’s life. We want to do the right things and take the right steps to cultivate a marriage that lasts a lifetime. Premarital counseling questions can help identify areas of concern that can be addressed before marriage. These questions can also help the couple understand the expectations about marriage. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. – 1 Corinthians 13:6-7, NIV Benefits of premarital counseling questions When a couple engages on a deeper level about their expectations for marriage, they can create a strong bond that will help them navigate the hard times. It can help them identify areas that could cause conflict and be able to address those issues positively and productively. Discussing expectations By discussing expectations in the confines of the marriage, the couple can come to an understanding of their role in creating a stable and healthy household. Healthy conflict resolution Developing skills for conflict management can reduce tension and disagreements in the future. Healthy conflict resolution also includes listening and understanding the other person’s feelings. Healthy communication In any relationship, communication is vital. This includes active, listening, and understanding what is being said, as well as responding in a healthy manner. Discussing hard topics Hard topics like finances, intimacy, and children can be hard to discuss. Identifying the conflicts and reaching resolutions can help the couple agree on future goals. Examine the values in needs Being able to openly discuss rules will reduce tension about certain areas of life. Learning to work through disagreements about responsibilities, beliefs, and needs will cultivate a healthy marriage. Identifying family behavior patterns Taking time to discuss the behavior patterns that have been a part of each [...]

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Fear of Missing Out: Exchanging Anxiety for the Delight of Living Your Own Best Life

, 2024-11-13T11:30:11+00:00August 19th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues, Women’s Issues|

Whether you intentionally search or aimlessly scroll, you will find evidence of anxiety fingerprinted on the web or anywhere you can find people. Internet ads, reels, or posts reveal the idolatrous heart of our society, often expressed as the fear of missing out. We have become so addicted to doing more and outdoing one other that we have coined a new phrase for it - FOMO. Fear of missing out, or FOMO, may offer a fresh name, but it is a timeworn issue. It is anxiety derived from trying to keep up with others’ activities and the fear that one is missing out if they do not also do that activity or have the coveted thing that everybody has. Instead of living richly and in contentment with the abundance that God has given to our hands, we compete and compare instead. Fear and anxiety drain us of the goodness that God has gifted us. We consume time, money, energy, and other resources to keep up with appearances and to match or exceed the experiences of others. Instead of feeling fulfilled, a person feels bankrupt, with nothing left to devote to God and no joy in the gifts acquired. For all that is in the world – the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life – is not from the Father but is from the world. – 1 John 2:16, ESV Anxiety: fixated on fear Too often, we decide our value based on the external trappings of this world. We wrongly assign our worth, often comparing ourselves with any and everyone, close or unfamiliar. Peering through the windows of other people’s lives, we somehow believe that we are missing something. Unaware of others’ internal struggles and challenges, we make assumptions and judgments. Yet, [...]

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Teaching Your Children Safe and Healthy Ways to Use Social Media Platforms

, 2024-11-13T11:31:36+00:00August 8th, 2024|Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured|

Parenting has always been a daunting task, but with the advent of social media platforms and hyper-connectivity changing the social landscape, parental guidelines are getting even blurrier. It has become imperative for parents to be vigilant regarding the challenges the younger generation faces each day online. Knowing the amount of time your child spends on social media According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, kids ages eight to eighteen spend, on average, a whopping seven and a half hours on a screen for entertainment each day, four and a half hours of which are spent watching TV. Over the course of a year, that adds up to 114 full days watching a screen for fun. In effect, this means that children spend almost half of their waking hours each year engaged in online activities. Networks like TikTok, X, Snapchat, Pinterest, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook are designed not only to grab your attention but also to maintain your continued interest. In these first few months of 2024, the American government has been up-in-arms with TikTok over its controversial new TikTok-Lite promotional incentive that seeks to reward its users with gift packs for spending more time on the site. That means people will be paid to spend more time online, with potentially catastrophic consequences for their mental health. Children spending even more time on leading social media platforms like TikTok means the problems caused by excessive use of the internet are only exacerbated. How social media platforms can endanger children’s well-being In this day and age, the long-held moral stance of simply forbidding kids from socially immoral places to keep them safe is no longer enough to keep them safe or protected. Con artists, criminals, and every form of predator are now just a click away each time your [...]

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6 Tips for Better Communication in Relationships

2024-09-27T10:06:14+00:00July 30th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

A failure to use effective communication in relationships means a failure to connect with others. It’s one thing to be aware of these intimacy gaps in our relationships, but it’s not always easy knowing how to bridge them. 6 Tips for Better Communication Here are six tips for better communication in relationships: Check in by asking questions When we have communication breakdowns, we begin to experience distance from our partner because we have stopped being intentional in connecting with them. Every relationship has a rhythm that incorporates work, family, friends, and pressures. These things have a habit of stealing our energy and focus. Before we realize it, we have been swept up in the rhythm of life like a current dragging us away from our significant other. It might seem odd to share personal space with someone each day and still have to ask a question like, “How are you doing?” but that is one effective way of reconnecting with your partner. It’s a case of putting off obligations, making time to be alone together, giving each other your full attention, and checking in. When we feel valued and safe, the conversation should flow effortlessly. Pay attention People communicate with more than words. There is as much meaning in the things we don’t say as in the things we do. A partner who is struggling with something and responds with a simple, “I’m fine” when asked, might be communicating that they are too overwhelmed to express themselves fully. That kind of guarded communication might come across as dismissive and it can be hurtful. We must ask ourselves what is behind their attitude, and pay attention to things like body language, mood, and eye contact. Accept differences The old saying that opposites attract is often accurate. On one hand, we [...]

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Joy in the Journey: Strategies to Navigate Anxiety, Spiritual, and Personal Development

, 2024-11-13T11:30:24+00:00July 16th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

No matter who we are or what we encounter in life, challenges will be embedded as part of our spiritual and personal development. While circumstances can produce anxiety, God doesn’t intend to hurt us through what He allows in our lives. It is quite the opposite. As we develop fortitude amid struggles, we also encounter the reward of the Lord’s Presence. Always with us, the Holy Spirit is the treasure in earthen vessels who reveals unforeseen blessings in times of unprecedented suffering. Instead of abandoning our anticipation for God’s goodness, the Lord arises when we cling to Him in hope, scattering the enemies of doubt and destruction. When we apply and exercise what the Holy Spirit teaches in life’s classroom, we develop the kind of personal habits and spiritual character that shift spiritual atmospheres and overcome evil. Our obedience and alignment with the Word flood the Light of Christ in our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. He illuminates our ways, dispelling darkness and directing us away from harmful patterns that hijack the life of peace and joy we are created to live (Job 22:28). When we choose to rivet our attention on Jesus, we encounter the richness of a Holy God who makes everything new (Revelation 21:5). The fruit of our development and deliverance may appear differently from one season to the next. Despite it all, our Savior continually elevates us into other realms of His glory and experiences of His manifest Presence (2 Corinthians 3:18). Speak the truth to encourage personal development We assert godly authority when we change our internal dialogue to align with the Father’s original design. Speaking His Truth establishes us in triumph when we commit to saying what He says about us, by faith, not necessarily our feelings. When we do, angels hear and follow [...]

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Are There Different Types of Autism?

2024-09-27T11:50:31+00:00July 4th, 2024|Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling|

If you are not familiar with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, you may also be unaware that psychologists no longer separate different types of autism. Because they share diagnosis characteristics, childhood disintegrative disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, and Rett’s syndrome are all under the umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Many psychologists shorten it to simply autism. While the diagnosis may be autism, the way different types of autism are displayed still resonates. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder believed to have genetic components. To specify various aspects of autism in this article, we will distinguish between the classifiers as different types of autism, even though they are given one diagnosis, Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD. Level 1 autism Once the term Asperger’s syndrome was terminated from the DSM in 2013, level 1 ASD replaced it. Another way you may have heard this is high-functioning autism. However, there is little agreement among experts as to what exactly qualifies as high functioning. A level 1 ASD diagnosis is assigned to a person who exhibits similar cognitive development to peers but struggles with social development and mild repetitive patterns. Someone with level 1 autism may struggle: To interact with peers. To broaden his or her interests (only interested in a few fields of study). To maintain certain physical gestures such as eye contact, coordination, and specific bodily and facial cues. To switch gears when changing from one activity to the next. To understand what non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, mean in a social context. With enjoying or seeking out typical social situations. The level 1 diagnosis signifies that a person can manage fairly well and exceeds his or her peers in specific areas of interest. The person requires some support, but they are usually also highly intelligent and don’t need the level [...]

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Understanding the Different Communication Styles

, 2024-11-13T11:30:38+00:00June 21st, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Issues|

Just like our personality or how we view the world, each of us has any one of a number of different communication styles. This is the way we try to convey our ideas, values, thoughts, and feelings and how those are received or perceived. How we communicate is as important as what it is we are trying to communicate. As we talk and interact in the world, we must ensure that our intentions are not misinterpreted and that we do not hurt others unintentionally. Some of the communication styles people adopt tend to have negative effects. This is why it is important to understand the different types to see if one needs to make changes in how they communicate with others or how to handle those people whose communication style is not like theirs. 5 different communication styles There are five different communication styles, namely aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive, manipulative, and assertive. We will discuss each one in this article. Passive communicators Passive communicators come off as easy-going, happy-go-lucky types of people. They prefer not to let their feelings or thoughts be known. It is difficult to know what their stance on important issues is as they can act indifferent to what is being discussed, take a more submissive role, and go with whatever they are told, even if they disagree vehemently. These types of people find it difficult to say no, especially if they find themselves in subordinate roles. They almost seem unsure of themselves, and they avoid conflict by conforming. In terms of body language, they are usually fidgety and avoid direct eye contact. They speak with a soft, almost inaudible voice as if they are not sure what they are about to say. How to work with a passive communicator One-on-one communication They usually feel more comfortable [...]

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Five Signs of Depression in Children

2024-09-27T11:50:58+00:00June 19th, 2024|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Depression, along with other mental health disorders, is on the rise in every age group. However, psychologists have seen a recent spike in depression cases among children. Children who exhibit signs of depression may be overt or a parent may suspect signs of something wrong but may not be able to pinpoint the exact source. Some children may be verbal regarding their symptoms, but others may hide their symptoms because of embarrassment or shame. If you’re seeing signs of depression in your child, you are not alone. If you suspect your child is depressed but are not sure here are five signs to watch out for: Disinterest in activities Depression leaves children with a lack of interest in doing the things they love the most. For example, a child who is normally busy with extracurricular activities may suddenly find they no longer want to do them. Additionally, children may want to stay in their room for long periods, watch TV, or other passive activities to help cope (or even mask) depression symptoms. Even with medication, children suffering from depression may still not want to do the things they once enjoyed. Sleeping late Similarly, children and teens who are suffering from depression may want to sleep late. Parents may find a child doesn’t want to get out of bed or sleep the day away. Parents should discourage a child from doing this. Rather, encourage the child to get up, move around, get some exercise, and take care of their physical body with nutrition and water. Normally active children may only need eight hours of sleep. Teens may need 9 to 9 1/2 hours of sleep which is important for their development. Kids suffering from depression may find they want to sleep 14 to 16 hours a day and still be [...]

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Four Reasons Men’s Issues Go Untreated

, 2024-11-13T11:30:51+00:00May 24th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues|

The phrase “men’s issues” is often used as a blanket term in psychotherapy. However, the term wraps around significant health concerns for men, and treating them should be taken seriously. Unfortunately, because so many men’s issues are interrelated to each other, it can be difficult for men to seek treatment. Here are four reasons men’s issues go untreated and how you can encourage the men in your life to seek help. Men’s issues may start small Many men don’t instantly when they need to seek treatment. Whether it’s difficulty controlling their anger in healthy ways or a tendency to become stressed when under pressure, men often assume this is normal and will get better. They may think, “I just need to get out and play a round of golf, and I’ll feel better.” Likewise, a glass of alcohol every evening could slowly turn into two, but they rationalize it, reasoning that it is fine because they know they’re stressed at work and also feeling pressure to pitch in more at home. However, because men’s issues tend to overlap, what seems like “the usual” stress load may be far greater – and all-encompassing – than a man realizes. For example, stress at work can come and go for anyone, man, or woman. However, when stress at work is added to a struggle with his role at work and home, it compounds the pressure a man may feel. These men’s issues can easily escalate if he is also faced with aging parents, a teenager with mood struggles or poor academic results, looming college expenses, or a transition in his spouse’s role, whether she works inside or outside the home. Any one of these can cause stress, but men may carry the load in one area without recognizing the load they’re also [...]

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