Using the Psalms to Help You Overcome Anxiety
Anxiety affects millions of Christians each day. Brought on by worry and stress anxiety causes many of us to feel overwhelmed. Finding ways to overcome anxiety without medication can be stressful in itself. Christian counselors can help you overcome anxiety using Scripture. Many verses address anxiety in the Bible. What is anxiety? Anxiety is a common health issue that comes from a feeling of fear or dread. It can cause many physical symptoms and even lead a person to believe they are having heart problems. Anxiety is most commonly a stress reaction. Learning to identify stressors can greatly reduce the amount of anxiety you experience. God gives us the wisdom to overcome anxiety in the Bible. He does this by teaching us how to change our way of thinking. Christian counselors often use secular-based treatment with scripture to battle anxiety Can listening to or reading Scripture help you overcome anxiety? Many Christians who battle anxiety have stated that listening to scripture helps calm them during an anxiety attack. While some have no preference as to what they listen to, others have said that Psalm 91 is one of the best chapters of the Bible to overcome anxiety. There are many scriptures about anxiety in the Bible. While you may not find the word anxiety you can refer to any Scripture that talks about overcoming fear. What is Psalm 91 about? When you are struggling to overcome an anxiety attack you become panicked about your health. This panic only enhances the symptoms of anxiety. Your heart continues to race faster, you feel lightheaded and weak, and you can’t seem to focus. The best thing you can do is to calm your mind and begin to take some deep breaths. Easier said than done in most cases. Psalm 91 is a [...]